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Highland Midwife
Birth Services
South Central Washington
& the Columbia River Gorge

What is a “normal” birth?

I think this is a very important topic to address, especially with today being the day for the Rally for Change put on by ImprovingBirth.Org. The range of “normal” as far as pregnancy and birth is as diverse as the range of women giving birth.

One way we can show the diversity of birth is by sharing our stories. Taking an intimate look at the experiences of others can open our eyes to the myriad of forms labor and birth can take. Writing out our story can give us the opportunity to reflect on the experience, learning about ourselves. Both give us the benefit of growth.

I will share the stories of my births, starting with the most recent birth with Highland Midwife, and then the story of my two previous hospital births.

If you would like to share your story, please email me at katrinab(at)qnect(dot)net – just swap out the at and the dot for the real thing.

September 3, 2012 - Katrina

Webdesign and content copyright 2009-2016 by Lorri Carr, LM CPM LDM; site maintained by Highland Midwife TM.
Original logo designed by Justin Farnsworth; copyright 2012-2016, all rights reserved for Highland MidwifeTM and the artist.

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keywords: pregnancy, childbirth, child birth, midwifery, midwife, midwives, home birth, homebirth, home-birth, birth at home, ob/gyn, obstetrics, gynecology, lactation, breastfeeding, nursing, baby, fertility, water birth, waterbirth, maternity care, labor and delivery, prenatal, labor, postpartum, fertility, nutrition, hormones, deficiency, deficiencies, women's health care, natural childbirth, natural birth, natural medicine, herbal medicine, doula, birthing, naturopathic, homeopathic, out of hospital, diet analysis